Monday, December 30, 2019

Cmo se acredita la ciudadana americana

La ciudadanà ­a americana da importantà ­simos derechos. Pero para disfrutralos hay que acreditar que se es estadounidense. Estos son los documentos que puedes utilizar. Formas Principales de Acreditar la Ciudadanà ­a Americana Son và ¡lidos cualquiera de los siguientes documentos: Pasaporte americano, que no puede estar daà ±ado ni manipulado.El  certificado o acta de nacimiento, si has nacido en Estados Unidos.  Tiene que ser emitido por el estado, el condado o el municipio donde se haya producido. En ese enlace se explica cà ³mo obtener una copia.El Reporte Consular de Nacimiento en el Exterior, (documento conocido como FS-240), si has nacido en otro paà ­s o en una base militar de los EEUU y adquiriste la nacionalidad por tu padre o por tu madre. Para tener este reporte tu progenitor americano tiene que haber registrado el nacimiento y la ciudadanà ­a en el consulado o embajada mà ¡s cercano. (Dependiendo del aà ±o en que has nacido puede que tengas un Certificate of Report of Birth (documento DS-1350), que ahora ya no se emiten, pero si lo tienes es totalmente và ¡lido).El Certificado de naturalizacià ³n, para las personas que nacieron en otro paà ­s y que emigraron a Estados Unidos y tras ser residentes solicitaron adquirir la nacionalidad es tadounidense.El Certificado de ciudadanà ­a en los siguientes 3 casos que se explican a continuacià ³n: En primer lugar, si has nacido en el extranjero y tu padre o tu madre cumplen con las condiciones para transferirte la nacionalidad americana por derecho de sangre y no inscribieron tu nacimiento en la oficina consular. En segundo lugar si has nacido en el extranjero y tu padre o tu madre biolà ³gico (no vale casos de hijastros) se convierte en ciudadano por naturalizacià ³n. Ademà ¡s tienen que cumplirse otros requisitos para esta ciudadanà ­a automà ¡tica: antes de cumplir los 18 aà ±os de edad has entrado a Estados Unidos como residente permanente legal y vives con tu padre o madre que se ha hecho ciudadano En tercer lugar, si has entrado en EEUU como un IR-3 en los casos de adopcià ³n por un ciudadano americano. Formas Indirectas de Demostrar que se es Estadounidense En ocasiones muy extraordinarias podrà ­a darse el caso de que una persona es ciudadana americana pero no tiene forma de obtener ninguno de los documentos mencionados anteriormente. En estos supuestos—muy raros—se podrà ­a demostrar de forma indirecta. Caben dos posibilidades: Si se has nacido en el extranjero y eres ciudadano por derecho de sangre segà ºn la ley que aplicaba en el momento en que naciste pero no tienes ni Certificate of Report of Birth ni Consular Report of Birth Abroad se probarà ¡ la ciudadanà ­a presentando: el acta de nacimiento traducido al inglà ©sevidencia de la nacionalidad estadounidense de ambos padres o de uno de elloscertificado de matrimonio de los progenitores (si lo hubiera)declaracià ³n jurada del padre o la madre americano detallando los lugares en los que ha vivido Si se ha nacido en los Estados Unidos y no aparece tu acta de nacimiento hay tres opciones para probar dicho nacimiento en USA  el formulario DS-10, declaracià ³n jurada de nacimiento. Sirve para obtener el pasaporte. Debe ir acompaà ±ado de una nota oficial de que no existe acta de nacimiento aceptable. Carta de falta de rà ©cord. Deberà ¡ ir acompaà ±ada por los denominados Informes Pà ºblicos Tempranos (Early Public Records). Entre esos se encuentran los certificados de bautismo o de nacimiento en un hospital, rà ©cords de escuela infantil, del censo o en la Biblia familiar. Incluso se admite en esta categorà ­a informes de atencià ³n mà ©dica justo despuà ©s del nacimiento.  Certificado de nacimiento retrasado siempre y cuando se haya realizado dentro de un aà ±o despuà ©s a dicho nacimiento. Si esta matriculacià ³n se realizà ³ mà ¡s tarde es necesario una declaracià ³n jurada de los padres o de las personas que atendieron el parto y tambià ©n presentar ejemplos de Informes Pà ºblicos Tempranos. No Sirven de Prueba de la Ciudadanà ­a No se admiten para acreditar el estatus de estadounidense ninguno de los siguientes documentos: La tarjeta del Nà ºmero del Seguro Social  La tarjeta de votante  La tarjeta de licenciarse del Ejà ©rcito americanoLa licencia de manejar Tips En ningà ºn caso los Informes Pà ºblicos Tempranos sirven, por sà ­ solos, para demostrar que una persona es estadounidense. Deberà ¡n acompaà ±arse por documentacià ³n adicional ya mencionada. El pasaporte, el certificado de naturalizacià ³n, el de ciudadanà ­a, el Certificate of Report of Birth, el Consular Report of Birth Abroad y el acta de nacimiento en Estados Unidos valen todos como documentos para probar tanto la identidad como la ciudadanà ­a americana. Pero el pasaporte es sin duda el documento mà ¡s fà ¡cilmente reconocido por todos. Ademà ¡s tiene otra ventaja: permite viajar al exterior y regresar a los Estados Unidos de Amà ©rica. Curiosidad Los latinos somos la minorà ­a mà ¡s grande en Estados Unidos. Prueba de ello es que dos apellidos hispanos està ¡n entre los 10 mà ¡s comunes y 19 entre los top 100.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

A Critique of “Don’t Blame the Eater” by David Zinczenko

â€Å"I couldnt open up a magazine, you couldnt read a newspaper, you couldnt turn on the TV without hearing about the obesity epidemic in America.† is a quote by Morgan Spurlock, that acutely describes the obesity problem going on in America. Any way one can want to talk about the problem, it will always be a huge dilemma throughout the United States. For a long time now, people have been discussing who is to blame for the obesity crisis going on. Some people prefer to blame the government, several blame the restaurants, others the parents and even the schools receive criticism for obesity. People should develop their own ideas on the obesity crisis and to figure out who is to blame and how to fix the problem. The main article I want to†¦show more content†¦Balko believes that the government needs to leave the public be, and promote personal responsibility. He says that politicians are joining the fight, â€Å"President Bush earmarked $200 million in his budget for anti-obesity measures.† (Balko 396) Those two hundred million dollars could have been spent on much more important things, like helping people with more serious problems. Throughout Balko’s article he supports the idea the people need to take responsibility for their own actions, such as becoming obese. Balko says â€Å"It only becomes a public matter when we force the public to pay for the consequences of those choices.† (Balko 397) When the people who stay fit and control their own weight have to pay for those who do not stay fit and become obese is when this becomes a large debate. He continues on to discuss how easy it is to get health benefits while obese, such as not having an extra fee for pe ople over a certain weight and â€Å"Your heart attack drives up the cost of my premiums and office visits. And if the government is paying for my anti-cholesterol medication, what incentive is there for me to put down the cheeseburger?† (Balko 396-7) The United States do not give any sort of privilege for being in shape, so why not just get fat and enjoy life. A third author who has written about the obesity crisis is Judith Warner, with her article â€Å"Junking Junk Food.† All through her article, she pokes

Saturday, December 14, 2019

A Game of Thrones Chapter Sixty-one Free Essays

Daenerys When the battle was done, Dany rode her silver through the fields of the dead. Her handmaids and the men of her khas came after, smiling and jesting among themselves. Dothraki hooves had torn the earth and trampled the rye and lentils into the ground, while arakhs and arrows had sown a terrible new crop and watered it with blood. We will write a custom essay sample on A Game of Thrones Chapter Sixty-one or any similar topic only for you Order Now Dying horses lifted their heads and screamed at her as she rode past. Wounded men moaned and prayed. Jaqqa rhan moved among them, the mercy men with their heavy axes, taking a harvest of heads from the dead and dying alike. After them would scurry a flock of small girls, pulling arrows from the corpses to fill their baskets. Last of all the dogs would come sniffing, lean and hungry, the feral pack that was never far behind the khalasar. The sheep had been dead longest. There seemed to be thousands of them, black with flies, arrow shafts bristling from each carcass. Khal Ogo’s riders had done that, Dany knew; no man of Drogo’s khalasar would be such a fool as to waste his arrows on sheep when there were shepherds yet to kill. The town was afire, black plumes of smoke roiling and tumbling as they rose into a hard blue sky. Beneath broken walls of dried mud, riders galloped back and forth, swinging their long whips as they herded the survivors from the smoking rubble. The women and children of Ogo’s khalasar walked with a sullen pride, even in defeat and bondage; they were slaves now, but they seemed not to fear it. It was different with the townsfolk. Dany pitied them; she remembered what terror felt like. Mothers stumbled along with blank, dead faces, pulling sobbing children by the hand. There were only a few men among them, cripples and cowards and grandfathers. Ser Jorah said the people of this country named themselves the Lhazareen, but the Dothraki called them haesh rakhi, the Lamb Men. Once Dany might have taken them for Dothraki, for they had the same copper skin and almond-shaped eyes. Now they looked alien to her, squat and flat-faced, their black hair cropped unnaturally short. They were herders of sheep and eaters of vegetables, and Khal Drogo said they belonged south of the river bend. The grass of the Dothraki sea was not meant for sheep. Dany saw one boy bolt and run for the river. A rider cut him off and turned him, and the others boxed him in, cracking their whips in his face, running him this way and that. One galloped behind him, lashing him across the buttocks until his thighs ran red with blood. Another snared his ankle with a lash and sent him sprawling. Finally, when the boy could only crawl, they grew bored of the sport and put an arrow through his back. Ser Jorah met her outside the shattered gate. He wore a dark green surcoat over his mail. His gauntlets, greaves, and greathelm were dark grey steel. The Dothraki had mocked him for a coward when he donned his armor, but the knight had spit insults right back in their teeth, tempers had flared, longsword had clashed with arakh, and the rider whose taunts had been loudest had been left behind to bleed to death. Ser Jorah lifted the visor of his flat-topped greathelm as he rode up. â€Å"Your lord husband awaits you within the town.† â€Å"Drogo took no harm?† â€Å"A few cuts,† Ser Jorah answered, â€Å"nothing of consequence. He slew two khals this day. Khal Ogo first, and then the son, Fogo, who became khal when Ogo fell. His bloodriders cut the bells from their hair, and now Khal Drogo’s every step rings louder than before.† Ogo and his son had shared the high bench with her lord husband at the naming feast where Viserys had been crowned, but that was in Vaes Dothrak, beneath the Mother of Mountains, where every rider was a brother and all quarrels were put aside. It was different out in the grass. Ogo’s khalasar had been attacking the town when Khal Drogo caught him. She wondered what the Lamb Men had thought, when they first saw the dust of their horses from atop those cracked-mud walls. Perhaps a few, the younger and more foolish who still believed that the gods heard the prayers of desperate men, took it for deliverance. Across the road, a girl no older than Dany was sobbing in a high thin voice as a rider shoved her over a pile of corpses, facedown, and thrust himself inside her. Other riders dismounted to take their turns. That was the sort of deliverance the Dothraki brought the Lamb Men. I am the blood of the dragon, Daenerys Targaryen reminded herself as she turned her face away. She pressed her lips together and hardened her heart and rode on toward the gate. â€Å"Most of Ogo’s riders fled,† Ser Jorah was saying. â€Å"Still, there may be as many as ten thousand captives.† Slaves, Dany thought. Khal Drogo would drive them downriver to one of the towns on Slaver’s Bay. She wanted to cry, but she told herself that she must be strong. This is war, this is what it looks like, this is the price of the Iron Throne. â€Å"I’ve told the khal he ought to make for Meereen,† Ser Jorah said. â€Å"They’ll pay a better price than he’d get from a slaving caravan. Illyrio writes that they had a plague last year, so the brothels are paying double for healthy young girls, and triple for boys under ten. If enough children survive the journey, the gold will buy us all the ships we need, and hire men to sail them.† Behind them, the girl being raped made a heartrending sound, a long sobbing wail that went on and on and on. Dany’s hand clenched hard around the reins, and she turned the silver’s head. â€Å"Make them stop,† she commanded Ser Jorah. â€Å"Khaleesi?† The knight sounded perplexed. â€Å"You heard my words,† she said. â€Å"Stop them.† She spoke to her khas in the harsh accents of Dothraki. â€Å"Jhogo, Quaro, you will aid Ser Jorah. I want no rape.† The warriors exchanged a baffled look. Jorah Mormont spurred his horse closer. â€Å"Princess,† he said, â€Å"you have a gentle heart, but you do not understand. This is how it has always been. Those men have shed blood for the khal. Now they claim their reward.† Across the road, the girl was still crying, her high singsong tongue strange to Dany’s ears. The first man was done with her now, and a second had taken his place. â€Å"She is a lamb girl,† Quaro said in Dothraki. â€Å"She is nothing, Khaleesi. The riders do her honor. The Lamb Men lay with sheep, it is known.† â€Å"It is known,† her handmaid Irri echoed. â€Å"It is known,† agreed Jhogo, astride the tall grey stallion that Drogo had given him. â€Å"If her wailing offends your ears, Khaleesi, Jhogo will bring you her tongue.† He drew his arakh. â€Å"I will not have her harmed,† Dany said. â€Å"I claim her. Do as I command you, or Khal Drogo will know the reason why.† â€Å"Ai, Khaleesi,† Jhogo replied, kicking his horse. Quaro and the others followed his lead, the bells in their hair chiming. â€Å"Go with them,† she commanded Ser Jorah. â€Å"As you command.† The knight gave her a curious look. â€Å"You are your brother’s sister, in truth.† â€Å"Viserys?† She did not understand. â€Å"No,† he answered. â€Å"Rhaegar.† He galloped off. Dany heard Jhogo shout. The rapers laughed at him. One man shouted back. Jhogo’s arakh flashed, and the man’s head went tumbling from his shoulders. Laughter turned to curses as the horsemen reached for weapons, but by then Quaro and Aggo and Rakharo were there. She saw Aggo point across the road to where she sat upon her silver. The riders looked at her with cold black eyes. One spat. The others scattered to their mounts, muttering. All the while the man atop the lamb girl continued to plunge in and out of her, so intent on his pleasure that he seemed unaware of what was going on around him. Ser Jorah dismounted and wrenched him off with a mailed hand. The Dothraki went sprawling in the mud, bounced up with a knife in hand, and died with Aggo’s arrow through his throat. Mormont pulled the girl off the pile of corpses and wrapped her in his blood-spattered cloak. He led her across the road to Dany. â€Å"What do you want done with her?† The girl was trembling, her eyes wide and vague. Her hair was matted with blood. â€Å"Doreah, see to her hurts. You do not have a rider’s look, perhaps she will not fear you. The rest, with me.† She urged the silver through the broken wooden gate. It was worse inside the town. Many of the houses were afire, and the jaqqa rhan had been about their grisly work. Headless corpses filled the narrow, twisty lanes. They passed other women being raped. Each time Dany reined up, sent her khas to make an end to it, and claimed the victim as slave. One of them, a thick-bodied, flat-nosed woman of forty years, blessed Dany haltingly in the Common Tongue, but from the others she got only flat black stares. They were suspicious of her, she realized with sadness; afraid that she had saved them for some worse fate. â€Å"You cannot claim them all, child,† Ser Jorah said, the fourth time they stopped, while the warriors of her khas herded her new slaves behind her. â€Å"I am khaleesi, heir to the Seven Kingdoms, the blood of the dragon,† Dany reminded him. â€Å"It is not for you to tell me what I cannot do.† Across the city, a building collapsed in a great gout of fire and smoke, and she heard distant screams and the wailing of frightened children. They found Khal Drogo seated before a square windowless temple with thick mud walls and a bulbous dome like some immense brown onion. Beside him was a pile of heads taller than he was. One of the short arrows of the Lamb Men stuck through the meat of his upper arm, and blood covered the left side of his bare chest like a splash of paint. His three bloodriders were with him. Jhiqui helped Dany dismount; she had grown clumsy as her belly grew larger and heavier. She knelt before the khal. â€Å"My sun-and-stars is wounded.† The arakh cut was wide but shallow; his left nipple was gone, and a flap of bloody flesh and skin dangled from his chest like a wet rag. â€Å"Is scratch, moon of life, from arakh of one bloodrider to Khal Ogo,† Khal Drogo said in the Common Tongue. â€Å"I kill him for it, and Ogo too.† He turned his head, the bells in his braid ringing softly. â€Å"Is Ogo you hear, and Fogo his khalakka, who was khal when I slew him.† â€Å"No man can stand before the sun of my life,† Dany said, â€Å"the father of the stallion who mounts the world.† A mounted warrior rode up and vaulted from his saddle. He spoke to Haggo, a stream of angry Dothraki too fast for Dany to understand. The huge bloodrider gave her a heavy look before he turned to his khal â€Å"This one is Mago, who rides in the khas of Ko Jhaqo. He says the khaleesi has taken his spoils, a daughter of the lambs who was his to mount.† Khal Drogo’s face was still and hard, but his black eyes were curious as they went to Dany. â€Å"Tell me the truth of this, moon of my life,† he commanded in Dothraki. Dany told him what she had done, in his own tongue so the khal would understand her better, her words simple and direct. When she was done, Drogo was frowning. â€Å"This is the way of war. These women are our slaves now, to do with as we please.† â€Å"It pleases me to hold them safe,† Dany said, wondering if she had dared too much. â€Å"If your warriors would mount these women, let them take them gently and keep them for wives. Give them places in the khalasar and let them bear you sons.† Qotho was ever the cruelest of the bloodriders. It was he who laughed. â€Å"Does the horse breed with the sheep?† Something in his tone reminded her of Viserys. Dany turned on him angrily. â€Å"The dragon feeds on horse and sheep alike.† Khal Drogo smiled. â€Å"See how fierce she grows!† he said. â€Å"It is my son inside her, the stallion who mounts the world, filling her with his fire. Ride slowly, Qotho . . . if the mother does not burn you where you sit, the son will trample you into the mud. And you, Mago, hold your tongue and find another lamb to mount. These belong to my khaleesi.† He started to reach out a hand to Daenerys, but as he lifted his arm Drogo grimaced in sudden pain and turned his head. Dany could almost feel his agony. The wounds were worse than Ser Jorah had led her to believe. â€Å"Where are the healers?† she demanded. The khalasar had two sorts: barren women and eunuch slaves. The herbwomen dealt in potions and spells, the eunuchs in knife, needle, and fire. â€Å"Why do they not attend the khal?† â€Å"The khal sent the hairless men away, Khaleesi,† old Cohollo assured her. Dany saw the bloodrider had taken a wound himself; a deep gash in his left shoulder. â€Å"Many riders are hurt,† Khal Drogo said stubbornly. â€Å"Let them be healed first. This arrow is no more than the bite of a fly, this little cut only a new scar to boast of to my son.† Dany could see the muscles in his chest where the skin had been cut away. A trickle of blood ran from the arrow that pierced his arm. â€Å"It is not for Khal Drogo to wait,† she proclaimed. â€Å"Jhogo, seek out these eunuchs and bring them here at once.† â€Å"Silver Lady,† a woman’s voice said behind her, â€Å"I can help the Great Rider with his hurts.† Dany turned her head. The speaker was one of the slaves she had claimed, the heavy, flat-nosed woman who had blessed her. â€Å"The khal needs no help from women who lie with sheep,† barked Qotho. â€Å"Aggo, cut out her tongue.† Aggo grabbed her hair and pressed a knife to her throat. Dany lifted a hand. â€Å"No. She is mine. Let her speak.† Aggo looked from her to Qotho. He lowered his knife. â€Å"I meant no wrong, fierce riders.† The woman spoke Dothraki well. The robes she wore had once been the lightest and finest of woolens, rich with embroidery, but now they were mud-caked and bloody and ripped. She clutched the torn cloth of her bodice to her heavy breasts. â€Å"I have some small skill in the healing arts.† â€Å"Who are you?† Dany asked her. â€Å"I am named Mirri Maz Duur. I am godswife of this temple.† â€Å"Maegi,† grunted Haggo, fingering his arakh. His look was dark. Dany remembered the word from a terrifying story that Jhiqui had told her one night by the cookfire. A maegi was a woman who lay with demons and practiced the blackest of sorceries, a vile thing, evil and soulless, who came to men in the dark of night and sucked life and strength from their bodies. â€Å"I am a healer,† Mirri Maz Duur said. â€Å"A healer of sheeps,† sneered Qotho. â€Å"Blood of my blood, I say kill this maegi and wait for the hairless men.† Dany ignored the bloodrider’s outburst. This old, homely, thickbodied woman did not look like a maegi to her. â€Å"Where did you learn your healing, Mirri Maz Duur?† â€Å"My mother was godswife before me, and taught me all the songs and spells most pleasing to the Great Shepherd, and how to make the sacred smokes and ointments from leaf and root and berry. When I was younger and more fair, I went in caravan to Asshai by the Shadow, to learn from their mages. Ships from many lands come to Asshai, so I lingered long to study the healing ways of distant peoples. A moonsinger of the Jogos Nhai gifted me with her birthing songs, a woman of your own riding people taught me the magics of grass and corn and horse, and a maester from the Sunset Lands opened a body for me and showed me all the secrets that hide beneath the skin.† Ser Jorah Mormont spoke up. â€Å"A maester?† â€Å"Marwyn, he named himself,† the woman replied in the Common Tongue. â€Å"From the sea. Beyond the sea. The Seven Lands, he said. Sunset Lands. Where men are iron and dragons rule. He taught me this speech.† â€Å"A maester in Asshai,† Ser Jorah mused. â€Å"Tell me, Godswife, what did this Marwyn wear about his neck?† â€Å"A chain so tight it was like to choke him, Iron Lord, with links of many metals.† The knight looked at Dany. â€Å"Only a man trained in the Citadel of Oldtown wears such a chain,† he said, â€Å"and such men do know much of healing.† â€Å"Why should you want to help my khal?† â€Å"All men are one flock, or so we are taught,† replied Mirri Maz Duur. â€Å"The Great Shepherd sent me to earth to heal his lambs, wherever I might find them.† Qotho gave her a stinging slap. â€Å"We are no sheep, maegi.† â€Å"Stop it,† Dany said angrily. â€Å"She is mine. I will not have her harmed.† Khal Drogo grunted. â€Å"The arrow must come out, Qotho.† â€Å"Yes, Great Rider,† Mirri Maz Duur answered, touching her bruised face. â€Å"And your breast must be washed and sewn, lest the wound fester.† â€Å"Do it, then,† Khal Drogo commanded. â€Å"Great Rider,† the woman said, â€Å"my tools and potions are inside the god’s house, where the healing powers are strongest.† â€Å"I will carry you, blood of my blood,† Haggo offered. Khal Drogo waved him away. â€Å"I need no man’s help,† he said, in a voice proud and hard. He stood, unaided, towering over them all. A fresh wave of blood ran down his breast, from where Ogo’s arakh had cut off his nipple. Dany moved quickly to his side. â€Å"I am no man,† she whispered, â€Å"so you may lean on me.† Drogo put a huge hand on her shoulder. She took some of his weight as they walked toward the great mud temple. The three bloodriders followed. Dany commanded Ser Jorah and the warriors of her khas to guard the entrance and make certain no one set the building afire while they were still inside. They passed through a series of anterooms, into the high central chamber under the onion. Faint light shone down through hidden windows above. A few torches burnt smokily from sconces on the walls. Sheepskins were scattered across the mud floor. â€Å"There,† Mirri Maz Duur said, pointing to the altar, a massive blue-veined stone carved with images of shepherds and their flocks. Khal Drogo lay upon it. The old woman threw a handful of dried leaves onto a brazier, filling the chamber with fragrant smoke. â€Å"Best if you wait outside,† she told the rest of them. â€Å"We are blood of his blood,† Cohollo said. â€Å"Here we wait.† Qotho stepped close to Mirri Maz Duur. â€Å"Know this, wife of the Lamb God. Harm the khal and you suffer the same.† He drew his skinning knife and showed her the blade. â€Å"She will do no harm.† Dany felt she could trust this old, plainfaced woman with her flat nose; she had saved her from the hard hands of her rapers, after all. â€Å"If you must stay, then help,† Mirri told the bloodriders. â€Å"The Great Rider is too strong for me. Hold him still while I draw the arrow from his flesh.† She let the rags of her gown fall to her waist as she opened a carved chest, and busied herself with bottles and boxes, knives and needles. When she was ready, she broke off the barbed arrowhead and pulled out the shaft, chanting in the singsong tongue of the Lhazareen. She heated a flagon of wine to boiling on the brazier, and poured it over his wounds. Khal Drogo cursed her, but he did not move. She bound the arrow wound with a plaster of wet leaves and turned to the gash on his breast, smearing it with a pale green paste before she pulled the flap of skin back in place. The khal ground his teeth together and swallowed a scream. The godswife took out a silver needle and a bobbin of silk thread and began to close the flesh. When she was done she painted the skin with red ointment, covered it with more leaves, and bound the breast in a ragged piece of lambskin. â€Å"You must say the prayers I give you and keep the lambskin in place for ten days and ten nights,† she said. â€Å"There will be fever, and itching, and a great scar when the healing is done.† Khal Drogo sat, bells ringing. â€Å"I sing of my scars, sheep woman.† He flexed his arm and scowled. â€Å"Drink neither wine nor the milk of the poppy,† she cautioned him. â€Å"Pain you will have, but you must keep your body strong to fight the poison spirits.† â€Å"I am khal,† Drogo said. â€Å"I spit on pain and drink what I like. Cohollo, bring my vest.† The older man hastened off. â€Å"Before,† Dany said to the ugly Lhazareen woman, â€Å"I heard you speak of birthing songs . . . â€Å" â€Å"I know every secret of the bloody bed, Silver Lady, nor have I ever lost a babe,† Mirri Maz Duur replied. â€Å"My time is near,† Dany said. â€Å"I would have you attend me when he comes, if you would.† Khal Drogo laughed. â€Å"Moon of my life, you do not ask a slave, you tell her. She will do as you command.† He jumped down from the altar. â€Å"Come, my blood. The stallions call, this place is ashes. It is time to ride.† Haggo followed the khal from the temple, but Qotho lingered long enough to favor Mirri Maz Duur with a stare. â€Å"Remember, maegi, as the khal fares, so shall you.† â€Å"As you say, rider,† the woman answered him, gathering up her jars and bottles. â€Å"The Great Shepherd guards the flock.† How to cite A Game of Thrones Chapter Sixty-one, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

In the play King Lear, Lear re Essay Example For Students

In the play King Lear, Lear re Essay In the play King Lear, Lear reaches old age without achieving any wisdom. This statement is very true, many evidences can be found throughout the acts. For example: Lear is ignorant of the truth, he only hears what he wants to hear and he makes several rash decisions that leads to his downfall. Although Lear achieved very little wisdom over his lifetime, he did learn allot about humility, which is defined as humbleness or meekness. Different aspects of humility was taught to Lear by the different actions of each of his three daughters Goneril, Regan, and Cordilia. Throughout this essay, each of Lears daughters actions will be carefully examined, in the form of oldest to youngest. In order to show in detail, the different parts the three daughters had in teaching King Lear about humility. Goneril, the eldest daughter of Lear. She only loved Lear for what he had, although it showed otherwise in act I, scene 1 of the play. The words that Goneril told Lear were as follows: Sir, I love you more than words can wield the matter, dearer than eyesight, space, and liberty, beyond what can be valued, rich or rare, no less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honor; As much as child eer loved, or father found; A love that makes breath poor and speech unable. Beyond all manner of so much I love you. Throughout the rest of the play Goneril, turns back on her words, she first exiles Lear out of his former castle, and then she plots with Regan to kill him. She is a heartless and cruel person, although Lears lack of humility did have some effect on his own faith. From Gonerils actions Lear learns that not everyone is trustworthy, people do turn on their own words and he should believe in the truth, not some lie that was said to fill his own huge ego. Regan, Lears second daughter betrayed Lear just like her older sister Goneril. She also lied to Lear about her love for him, because she knew that the better lie will get the larger piece of the kingdom. She also did not want Lear to stay with her, but out of pity she did offer Lear a place to stay. But Lear refused, because he had to have a great big army with him to fill his ego, and cytologically Lear needed to still live like a king, even though physically he was no longer a king. From Regan, Lear learned that at times humbleness and humility can be advantageous in some situations, and Lear also learns that not to take words literally to heart. He also learned that she is like Goneril evil and greedy, this leads to both of the their deaths. Goneril and Regan was the main reason that forced Lear to go insane, this insanity was good for Lear. Because he drastically changes in character and learns about the main values of humility. Cordilia the youngest of Lears three daughters, she unlike the other two sisters tells her true feeling to Lear.She was not rewarded for her honesty, instead she was banished from the kingdom and got nothing from Lear. Cordilias words to Lear are as follows: You have begot me , bred me, loved me. In return those duties back as are right fit, obey you, love you, and most honor you. Why have my sisters husbands if they say they love you all?Haply, when I shall wed, that lord whose hand must take my plight shall carry half my love with him, half my care and duty. Sure I shall never marry like my sisters, to love my father all.Shakespeare William, King Lear (New York: Bantam Books, 1988) p. 5. Ibid, p6.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Totalitarian Government Essay Thesis Example For Students

Totalitarian Government Essay Thesis Those who would trade their liberties for a little safety deserve neitherliberty nor safety. That quote by Benjamin Franklin described mindset thatleads to totalitarian government. The British novelist, George Orwell is knownfor his chilling governmental satire. Animal Farm, his other well-known novel isa look into the past, his novel 1984 was a eerie prophecy into the not sodistant future. This view of a negative Utopia has become so well known thatpeople who believe in his theory are called Orwellian. But do we exist in amanner similar to the prophecy of the world in which he claimed to be what lifewould be like in 1984? The answer is No, but in just a few years we could. We will write a custom essay on Totalitarian Government Thesis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Ironically one of the greatest differences in our society and the society ofOrwell, is that in 1984, the gene which leads to sex has been suppressed. For Inour society promiscuity and suggestiveness have gotten maybe not more common butcertainly more public. When Orwell published 1984, this seemed to be a logicalconclusion that such an event might happen. For in the Post- World War II,generation sex was expressly hidden. For example on television the Rock musicianElvis Presley was not shown below the hips because it was considered far toosuggestive. In this aspect Our Society more resembles the other most famousnovel of a negative utopia, Aldous Huxleys Brave New World. However we doshare some similarities. Part of the power base in 1984 has its powerexclusively through the deception of the people. Winston for example accepts thefact that two plus two does in fact equal five. As we know, two plus twoequals four. The most important way in which we can prevent turnining into anOrwellia n society is to not be able to be misled. To prevent the society ofwhich we live from becoming Orwellian we must stave off apathy. For it is aslippery slope and if we take the first step down it we could live in anOrwellian totalitarian state. Closing, we do not as of today live in thesociety, which Orwell predicted. We still maintain a level of personal freedomin the United States greater than that described in 1984. However other nationsof this world, the Peoples Republic of China comes to mind, where they live in asemi-Orwellian world. Even though we tend to say it cant happen here,it can. Thats what they would have said in Germany in the twenties or Russiain the Pre-World War One era. It can happen here and it shall if we do notremember the lesson of the American President Thomas Jefferson The Price ofliberty is Eternal Vigilance.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Afterlife

The concept of the afterlife can be seen in many different perspectives. My opinion of the afterlife depends on how someone would have lived in life. If a human’s occupation in life was a serial killer who was put to death because of your crimes that were commited and therefore would be sent to heal without your skin attached to your body in a pool of hot oil. Complete horror and suffering are the only facts that would be true to this type or person. The punishment for there horrible beings is because of the lives that were taken of perfectly nice humane beings. Those souls of the ones lives that were taken will be sent to paradise. For souls that committed acts of telemarketing during their lives are also dammed to hell. As just punishment a telephone is attached in several spots on there bodies where ear’s have been placed and for eternity they sit strapped to a chair hear telemarketing scams. Paradise or heaven is exactly that. It’s a place of perfection., and everything that is in your wildest dreams. In this place everything you want to happen always comes true. Anything and everything that you wish to happen, does. All the inhabitants of paradise float around on clouds drinking little drinks with those umbrellas in them. In order to make it to this place, the soul needs to be free of all evil doings. This means that time that money was stolen from cash register at Mc. Donald needs to be repent. Although if a human with a good soul leaves earth because of suicide. They are not sent to hell or to heaven. They are sent to a totally different place. Here those people are set out to figure why they left their lives because of suicide. These individuals are chained to a walrus and run into walls. This will take place until their life on earth was suppose to end. Then they are sent for judgment and more than likely directly to hell. On the other hand if someone with an evil soul commits suicide then a automatic ticket to he... Free Essays on Afterlife Free Essays on Afterlife The concept of the afterlife can be seen in many different perspectives. My opinion of the afterlife depends on how someone would have lived in life. If a human’s occupation in life was a serial killer who was put to death because of your crimes that were commited and therefore would be sent to heal without your skin attached to your body in a pool of hot oil. Complete horror and suffering are the only facts that would be true to this type or person. The punishment for there horrible beings is because of the lives that were taken of perfectly nice humane beings. Those souls of the ones lives that were taken will be sent to paradise. For souls that committed acts of telemarketing during their lives are also dammed to hell. As just punishment a telephone is attached in several spots on there bodies where ear’s have been placed and for eternity they sit strapped to a chair hear telemarketing scams. Paradise or heaven is exactly that. It’s a place of perfection., and everything that is in your wildest dreams. In this place everything you want to happen always comes true. Anything and everything that you wish to happen, does. All the inhabitants of paradise float around on clouds drinking little drinks with those umbrellas in them. In order to make it to this place, the soul needs to be free of all evil doings. This means that time that money was stolen from cash register at Mc. Donald needs to be repent. Although if a human with a good soul leaves earth because of suicide. They are not sent to hell or to heaven. They are sent to a totally different place. Here those people are set out to figure why they left their lives because of suicide. These individuals are chained to a walrus and run into walls. This will take place until their life on earth was suppose to end. Then they are sent for judgment and more than likely directly to hell. On the other hand if someone with an evil soul commits suicide then a automatic ticket to he...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Audience Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Audience Analysis - Essay Example In defining a certain audience, detailed consideration of their culture, age, values, beliefs, background knowledge, or assumptions on the subject is fundamental. It ensures an appropriate tone, style, language, and content in passing the information. Thus, demographics, dispositions, and knowledge of the topic are the basis of an audience analysis. My audience entails all Hawaii residents who reside in the islands of Oahu, Kauai, and Maui. Addressing this audience is very significant since they are the main beneficiaries of the project and possible victims of the environmental problems it may cause. The will economically benefit from cheap and quick transport across the shores and the environmental and economical effects associated with the project will influence their lives since they are immediate to the shores. As such, an environmental assessment of the project will suit them and call for their action. They assume that the ferry will jeopardize their occupation. They also love their indigenous plants and animals. Hence, they fear that the emissions, effluents, and solid wastes from the ferry will kill their indigenous plants and animals. Actually, Nene,  a large goose is Hawaiis state bird (Pacific island Travel Web). They prefer less of technology and enjoy their good life. Hence, they disregard the ferry. The Hawaii residents have fear that the ferry will cause traffic at the port and severely affect the whales. Hawaii residents also venture in agriculture where they grow coffee beans, bananas, and  macadamia  nuts. The tourist business is Hawaiis largest source of outside income and hence they treat the islands with utmost care. They celebrate cultural events and canoe races. Traditional Hawaiian Islands residents have a diverse traditional culture and customs which they seek to maintain and celebrate. English and Hawaii are the most dominant languages in

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Does the media distort children's perceptions of reality or validate Essay

Does the media distort children's perceptions of reality or validate them - Essay Example Science-Fiction movies also contribute to distorting children’s perception of reality. Although they boost their imagination to think of the unachievable, they can make then day-dream and spend a large amount of time on thinking about a parallel world that does not even exist. The Star Wars mania left many children addicted to it back in the 70’s, however, the movies were anything but close to reality. They did, however, encourage a whole generation to become fans of something that did not even exist in reality, and even if it did not affect their perception of reality, the franchise left an impact that affected ‘reality’ itself. Horror movies also are another genre of movies that distort children’s perceptions of reality. Children often fear the presence of scary monsters lurking in dark corners and many of them are affected so badly that they are deterred from going anywhere, or even sleeping alone at night. Watching horror movies distorts children’s perception of reality so badly that many often commit violent acts. Current research agrees with the individuals who argue that violent media is associated with aggressive behavior. Risky behavior by children and young adults includes violence against others and even a lack of remorse for consequences. Such faulty thinking often creates stress in children which can lead to a large number of psychological conditions. Therefore, children who view media violence frequently are more likely to have increased feelings of hostility, reduced emotional response to violence exhibited in front of them., and injuries that result from the initiation of violent behavior. Cartoons too distort how children view reality, since they too, like fiction movies, make us believe that the impossible can be possible, and that a lot of characters many never die. However, since cartoons are depicted as animated colorful motion images, their effect is minimal, in fact even positive, since children never perceive them to be real, given their animated form. Daffy duck, for example, might fall from top of a building several times, and be squashed by a bus on the road, and still jump up, inflate itself and start

Monday, November 18, 2019

Country Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Country Analysis - Research Paper Example It was a collaboration of independent study and this Company's own study that we came up with some concrete decisions. Mexico is a good place of destination for tourists. Tourists can come from the USA because it shares a border with that economic power. Brazil also has a stable economic and political background. Both are stable politically and economically, so we have to give a discrete study and analysis on these two. Our study focused on the political, economic and business environments of the two countries touching on areas such as GDP and GNP, political background and stability and economic upturn or downturn during recent surveys. Primary research was provided by an independent think tank, but our very own Company did not waste time in surfing the web for possible clues and more data, from reference books, periodicals and other sources of data. This report analyses the sociopolitical and economic environments of Brazil and Mexico, and a commercial expansion potential for hotel industry. The basis for an expansion of a chain of hotels will be taken out of this study. Brazil and Mexico were chosen as expansion because the two countries showed growth in GDP in recent years. Our hotel business plans to expand by 2008 and has considered Mexico or Brazil to be the two countries where we can expand our business. ... Mexico is our next investment destination for our chain of hotels. 1.0 Introduction This report analyses the sociopolitical and economic environments of Brazil and Mexico, and a commercial expansion potential for hotel industry. The basis for an expansion of a chain of hotels will be taken out of this study. Brazil and Mexico were chosen as expansion because the two countries showed growth in GDP in recent years. 1.1. Product Profile Our hotel business plans to expand by 2008 and has considered Mexico or Brazil to be the two countries where we can expand our business. Our studies revolve around the socio-political, and economic and business environment perspectives of the two countries. We have concluded that it has to be only one country as place for expansion by the year, so that only one will be chosen as a result of this study. It will be either Brazil or Mexico. The studies focused on the cost of travel and tourism inside the country and the influx of tourists, costs of hotel accommodations and travel, international tourists who are the customers, and income expenditures. 2.0 Country Analysis on Mexico 2.1 Socio political environment of Mexico Mexico is an important tourism generator, just outside the top 20 in terms of expenditure, yet it is also a 'one destination' country. Roughly nine out of every ten outbound travelers go to the USA. A quarter of the population live in extreme poverty, while the richest 10% enjoy more than one-third of the total household income and the richest 20% earn more than half. According to the World Bank, Mexico ranks around 75th in the world in terms of GDP per capita, and a market to watch for the future. There was a catastrophe

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Can Migration Flows Be Considered A Security Issue Politics Essay

Can Migration Flows Be Considered A Security Issue Politics Essay For quite some time now, issues of migration flows and security have become concern for many leading ministers, politicians, the media and the electorate of the host countries. They have dominated politics and social sciences literature and surprisingly became a major contemporary theme in the main field of International Relations and its subcategories of international and domestic politics, international security studies, and human security. In many Western states, an abundance of anti-immigration campaigns appeared. For example, we see right-wing political parties who oppose migration on the ground that it poses a direct threat to their identity and security; therefore they demand tougher policies and restrictions on migration flows. This essay begins by discussing the historical background of migration with references to some of European countries. Then, it will explore the symptoms of migration, refugees and asylum seekers in the framework of the possibility that it may pose a di rect threat to security in Europe. After establishing the different links between migration and security, the essay will focus on the development of treaties, policies and measures undertaken by the European countries in order to tighten up their security borders against unwanted immigrants, combat illegal and irregular migration, human trafficking and smuggling. Finally, the essay will provide a personal view, arguing that migration flows can be considered a security issue. Migrations by people in large groups or individuals across vast distances are by no means a recent phenomenon. The term migration can be defined as the movement of people from one place to another. (Migration and European Culture). Two types of human migration are very common: first, internal migration, and second, international migration. A good example of internal migration is the movement from England to Scotland. A good example of international migration is the movement from Congo or Rwanda to America, Australia or Europe. The causes for migration can be divided into two main categories, the push and pull factors. Push factors such as, civil war, poverty, climate changes and political or religious oppression. Pull factors are for example, a chance of a better standard of living in general as well as political and religious freedom (Migration and European Culture). Historically, between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries migration to North America from all parts of Europe and by Protestant and Catholic alike emigrated to North America, New Zealand, Australia, South America, and southern Africa (Wolffe, 2004, p. 98). Undoubtedly, religious, cultural and political conflicts were inevitable between the new comers and the indigenous people in the New World. Buzan contends that a threat to population can arise from human migrations especially when the incoming population is of a different cultural or ethnic stock from that already resident (Buzan, 1991, p. 93). Notwithstanding, migration has dominated the security agenda in the recent years mostly due to the unprecedented scale of the phenomenon that about 20.5 million foreigners living in Western Europe at the beginning of the twenty-first century (Kicinger, 2004, p. 1). But what is migration? What is security? What are the main aspects of the migration-security link? These contested question s have no easy answers. According to Huysmans and Squire scholars have opened up a range of other challenging questions that are important to the analysis of the migration/security nexus (Huysmans and Squire, 2009, p. 11) questions such as should migration be named a security threat? At which level it should be met national or at international level such as the EU? Is migration already a threat or only a challenge to security? (Kicinger, 2004, p. 3). Migration in Europe appeared in the years between the two World Wars. After the First World War, the refugee problem emerged in Europe as a result of the turmoil created by the break-up of the Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian and Russian Empire, which led to the displacement of more than 20 million people (Turton, 2002, p. 28). After the Second World War, Europe was in crisis regarding shortage of laborers and desperately needed extra hands in the form of temporary immigrants laborers to rebuild Europes devastated cities. Hansen argues that i n Europe, during the 1950s and 1960s, France, Switzerland, and Germany facilitated, through guest worker programmes, wanted temporary migration (Hansen, 2000, p. 4). Since the 1970s, many of the temporary migrant workers did not go home. However, they encouraged their families and invited them to join them in the host countries as family reunification. For the anti-migration campaigners, this family reunification is an exploitation of migration policies and procedures as they argue that migration is considered unnatural, and as something to be feared. The migrant as an outsider is viewed with considerable suspicion as to his/her intentions that are thought to be dubious (Gupta, 2005, p. 115). Furthermore, these same groups exacerbate the problem of xenophobia especially towards ethnic minorities who have already settled in the host countries as genuine refugees and / or asylum-seekers. Scholars such as Ireland believe that migration in Europe is a complex process but Europeans today live in societies that have become truly multicultural (Ireland, 2000, p. 234). The issue of multiculturalism in Europe caused controversy in the realm of politics, s ocial sciences and security studies. Boswell suggests that while a multicultural approach implies tolerance of cultural and religious diversity, robust anti-discrimination legislation, however this approach came under criticism for failing to deal adequately with the challenges of integration (Boswell, 2005 p.10). For some, like the anti-migration campaigns and right-wing political parties, the phenomenon of multiculturalism started with mass migration of people who came from different backgrounds, cultures, religions and identities. One can argue that these, and other, factors may have caused direct threats to the security of the host countries and jeopardized European values, such as national heritage, cultural identity and social cohesion (Vaughan-Williams and Peoples, 2010, p. 136). The European governments feared that the mass migration may threaten social stability in Europe. In addition, mass migration created xenophobia which hampers both assimilation and integration. Furthermore, it may play an important role in demographic security and implies that migration exacerbates the problem of population increase in Europe. Regarding internal security, governments fear that migrants would get involved in dealing with drugs, crimes, trafficking and smuggling in human beings activities, making use of all channels available both legally and illegally. Guild states that the image of the foreigners as a security threat because of his or her propensity to commit criminal offences is often seen in the press in many EU countries (Guild, 2009, p. 115). Cultural identity is another factor raised with respect to the issue of security. The issue of hijab (headscarf), Burka, and veil, for example, angered the hard core right-wing parties especially in France and other European countries (Holland, Germany, Austria and Belgium ) which eventually led to social and political clashes with Muslim communities Throughout the 1980s, migration control especially on refugees and asylum seekers did become a hot topic in both political arenas and domestic public debates in European countries. Weiner sums it up, saying, migration and refugee issues are now matters of high international politics, heads of states, cabinets, and key ministries involved in defence, internal security, and external relations (Weiner, 1992 1993, p. 91). The result of political debate was that opinions polarized and refugees often made the headlines articulating theatrical language and were negatively portrayed for racial policies (Huysmans, 2005, p. 11). It is worth mentioning that the breakup of the former Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin wall in 1990, provided fresh impetus for migration from Eastern Europe which became an easy gateway to the West, both for people from the former communist countries themselves and asylum-seekers transiting from further afield (Telà ¶ken, 1999). As the pressure mounted on gov ernments to focus on migration control, many Western governments have tightened up their security borders against refugees and asylum seekers. Warner contends that gate keeping has become the primary state function†¦ the state must protect its borders because that is what states do (Warner, 1997, p. 60). Quite often, refugees and asylum seekers are portrayed as a burden and hazardous to the European culture, identity, and pose threats to social, economic and internal security. They are potential threat to collective security and can be located within a security continuum that connects it with issues such as terrorism and international crime, (Guild, 2009, p. 132-133 and Vaughan-Williams and Peoples, 2010, p. 136). Although migration and refugee issues have caused severe headaches for some politicians, ministers and governments, others have used such issues as a political propaganda to win electorate votes. For example, in August 2001, the Australian Prime Minister John Howard transferred many refugees, mainly Afghans who were rescued in the sea by a Norwegian freighter, to detention centres in a Pacific island (Nauru and Manus) rather than to Woomera (detention centre for refugees and asylum-seekers) in Australia. This move consolidated the Prime Minister and his coalition back into power for the third successive time†¦ issue of refugees played an important role in securing this electoral victory and made refugee policy†¦ a highly visible political issue (Huysmans, 2005, p. 36-37). In the same vein, Weiner contends that the very form and intensity of response to unwanted migrations is itself an indication that such population flows are regarded as threats to security or stability (Weiner, 1992 1993, p. 125). In the same direction, in an article by Annika Savill in The Independent, which was published on Wednesday 16 September 1992, Douglas Hurd, the Foreign Secretary at the time, produced outstanding examples of migration as a security issue: Mr Hurd said that many of his European counterparts considered that migration among all the other problems we face is the most crucial. Like the US of the 19th century, Europe is a magnet for people seeking greater opportunities, from the east and south . . . We have already seen, most obviously in Germany but also elsewhere in the Community, the tensions and antipathies which can result from the inflow,. But he warned that unlike 19th-century America, ours is not an empty continent (Savill, 1992). What is security? Security is an ambiguous and a contested concept which most of the literature that attempted analysis or prescription was, and to some extent still is, based on the concepts of power and peace (Buzan, 1991, p. 2). Many readers associate the word security with topics such as, military threats, war, international relations, diplomacy and strategic studies. Arguably, this general understanding of the concept has monopolized security and military studies throughout the Cold War era. Guild contends that security cannot be reduced to one element, but it can only be understood in relation to power either more power provides more security or security is based on relationship among actors and thus not a commodity at all (Guild, 2009, p. 6). But for Buzan and some international relations scholars this concept is too narrow and vague, therefore they demanded to develop and stretch the concept of security beyond such well known traditional topics. In the aftermath of the Cold War, some prominent scholars of the Copenhagen School, including Buzan, Waever and others, argued that the concept of security could be expanded†¦From 1980s onward a more general sectoral widening of security included societal, economic, environmental, health, development and gender (Buzan and Hansen, 2009, p. 13). With time and space, the available literature on migration and security has increased considerably. However, the term security has evolved and undergone significant changes to include more political, economic and social dimensions such as, environmental degradation, pandemic diseases (HIV/AIDS), transnational organized crime and international migration. Cottey suggests that security therefore is not something that can be objectively defined or of which there is likely to be an agreed definition (Cottey, 2007, p. 7). Scholars such as Mayron Weiner was the first to address the relationship between immigration and security issues, other scholars indirectly captured this linkage in their work on immigration and refugees in the US policy (Lahav, 2003, p. 90). In order to combat illegal migration in Europe and deal with unwanted mixed flows of refugees, asylum seekers and others who were using illegal routes to beguile the migration system and restrictions, various and tougher measures of migration security were introduced by the European governments to prevent the abuse of the system. Taylor claims that the measures are contained in the Hague Programme, a five-year plan for the field of freedom, justice and security (Taylor, 2005). Some of these measures, for example, aimed at preventing asylum seekers from arriving at the states border in the first place, send asylum seekers back to countries through which they had passed, encourage member states of the EU to apply the refugee definition more narrowly and apply deterrence, such as the increasing use of detention, and restrictions on the right to work and access to social welfare (Turton, 2002, p. 42). Politically speaking, these measures on migration, refugees and asylum seekers played a n important role in bringing member states of the European Union even closer to the union than before. The member states of the European Union went further regarding restrictions and policies on migration, refugees and asylum seekers. Metaphorically speaking, they wanted to build one strong Fortress in Europe with a solid iron-gate as a security protection against immigrants and mixed flows of refugees. Taylor contends that at the end of 2004, the European Union (EU) agreed further measures strengthening Fortress Europe. Ministers from the 25 EU member states established the basis for a common asylum system†¦ and the wider sharing of information by national police forces and security services (Taylor, 2005). Fortress Europe, in the form of treaties, conventions and steps, which have been taken by the member states of the European Union to accord their policies on immigration, is overwhelmingly tough and very restrictive. Some of the measures, which are summarized here: the 1990 Dublin Convention: its aim was to ensure that one member state would take responsibility for examining a claim, thus preventing asylum-seekers from shopping around for the most favorable country in which to ask for asylum, the 1990 Schengen Convention: its aim was to reinforce external border controls whilst allowing free movement within participating states, the 1991 Maastricht Treaty: this empowered Justice and Home Affairs Ministers to establish a framework for a European-wide asylum policy and introduced the concept of EU citizenship, the 1992 London Resolutions: ministers in London responsible for immigration approved three non-binding resolutions and conclusions and the 1997 Treaty of Amsterdam: this include s a commitment by member states to develop a common immigration and asylum policy within five years, but the treaty came into effect in 1999. (Turton, 2002, p. 42-23). Since the 9/11 attacks on the American soil, the London bombings in July 2005 and other bombings across Europe, the issue of security became once again a hot subject for debate among politicians and topped social, economic and political agendas particularly those of Western governments. Given that the 9/11 attacks were carried out by terrorists from Al Qaida and not by the refugees or asylum seekers, the European governments once again raised the issue of security in relation to migration. The European countries have maintained excessive securitisation actions within migration policy frameworks as politicians and media portrayed migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, especially from Asia and Middle East, as potential terrorists abusing immigration policies and procedures. Vaughan-Williams and Peoples argue that moves towards the securitization of migration were already well underway prior to the events of 9/11†¦ In the aftermath of 9/11 and bombings in Madrid and London, has bee n the particular focus on Muslim communities (Vaughan-Williams and Peoples, 2010, P. 137). These actions and efforts by European countries to strengthen their external borders and tighten up their immigration policies caused immense controversy in the realm of politics. On one hand, anti-migration elites have argued that these common policies and rigorous law measures are mainly against bogus asylum-seekers, refugees and illegal immigrants. On the other hand, migration supporter elites and some of the NGOs argue that these measures have caused thousands of deaths of refugees and asylum-seekers and as well marginalized, criminalized and sidelined many genuine of them (Hogan, 2002). In conclusion, migration flows opened new debates in the domain of domestic and international security and foreign relations. Over the past decades, the concept of security has significantly changed to include several other categories in the realm of politics and social sciences. This essay briefly discussed the historical background of migration and concentrated on refugees and asylum seekers as the main themes for societal and security analysis. From the essay point of views, the philosophy of multiculturalism played an important role in security, xenophobia has created racial tensions which sometimes led to violence between the host population and the immigrant communities and definitely illegal migration poses threats to the social stability and internal security of host countries in Europe. In addition, the essay agrees that the European countries have the right not only to secure their borders against illegal migration, but also to have the right to defend and protect the value s they espouse such as social stability and cultural identity. The territorial integrity, economic and political independence of the European countries need to be protected from the danger of migration exploitation. Securitization of migration is not new, but the 9/11 attacks have stirred up the process of securitization and the building up of the so-called Europe Fortress to keep unwanted immigrants out of Europe. The European countries remain the favourite destination for both legal and illegal immigrants regardless of how tight border controls are. Immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers who fear persecution at home or are intent on escaping war and poverty will keep the hopes of reaching European countries alive. Such hopes could be pipe dreams.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Deepest Wreck :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A deep-sea salvage company claims to have discovered the deepest ancient shipwreck ever found- a 2,300-year-old Greek trading vessel found nearly two miles under the surface of the Mediterranean. The discovery of the shipwreck between the classical trading centers of Rhodes and Alexandria adds to the collection of evidence that is challenging the long-held theory that ancient sailors lacked the navigational knowledge and skill to sail large distances across open water. It is believed that they were restricted to following the coastline during thier trips. Four other possibly ancient wrecks were discovered nearby.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the spring of 1999, the deep-ocean exploration firm Nauticos Corporation conducted a survey in the eastern Mediterranean in an attempt to locate an Israeli submarine that had mysteriously disappeared in the area 31 years before. Their sonar system detected five closely spaced clusters at a depth of almost 10,000 feet on what is known as the Herodotus Abyssal Plain. Visual inspection of these clusters with a remotely operated vehicle revealed five shipwrecks of possible archaeological significance. There was only enough time to permit the collection of a detailed video and sonar imagery of only one site. This information was sent to the Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA) at Texas A&M University to determine the ships origin and importance. The shape of several amphoras or containers from the site date back to the end of the third century B.C. or the beginning of the second century B.C. making this the deepest ancient shipwreck yet discovered.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Despite its depth, the site is typical for an ancient shipwreck. The vessel came to rest on the bottom and eventually flipped over onto its side. As its wooden hull lost structural integrity, the ship’s side flattened out under the weight of the containers that had tumbled over it. The opposite side of the hull was held upright, unburied by the containers or sediment, succumbed to erosion and decay, and were mostly rotted away. This wreck’s amphora cargo forms a mound approximately 80 feet long and 50 feet wide and tapers in height and width from the center of the ship to the bow and stern, or front and back. At least six or more types of wine amphoras have been identified, including containers from the islands of Rhodes and Kos, there may be as many as 2,500 containers present at the site.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The ship’s bow area or the front area of the ship, can be identified by the presence of at least five lead anchors.